
We teach a variety of strategies with exact rules for entries and exits, as well as providing backtesting statistics and risk management guidance for each strategy. In each module, we aren’t just teaching a trading strategy, we are giving you a trading system that you can begin executing immediately.

  • A few minutes up to a few hours.

Intraday Scalping Strategies

Intraday Scalpers will usually hold a trade for a few minutes up to a few hours. If you like to get in and out within a day, learning an intraday scalping strategy may be right for you.

  • A few days up to a few weeks

Swing Trading Strategies

Swing traders enter the market and hold for a few days or weeks to profit from the short-to-medium term price gains. If you like to set a trade and forget about for a few days, this might be the right style for you.

In-House Sales Training
Harness Your Social Proof
  • A few seconds up to a few minutes

Micro Scalping Strategies

Micro Scalpers execute dozens or even hundreds of trades per day, holding onto trades just long enough to catch small price movements in the market.

We Are Investors in People

Give a hungry man a fish, feed him for a day. Teach a hungry man to fish, feed him for a lifetime.

We don’t just teach strategies, but we teach the entire system that helps traders become and maintain profitability. Each module will cover exact entries, exits, risk management, specific psychology and how to make decisions based on probabilities, not just trade setups.

Risk Management

Perhaps the most overlooked and under appreciated key to long term success in the markets. Learn the keys to managing risk.

Price Action

Learn to read price action. You’ll never be able to predict what the market is going to do, but if you can become skilled at knowing what it is currently doing, you’ll become a more confident trader.


Even “mechanical” trading strategies can optimized using the discretion of a seasoned, emotionally healthy trader. Learn the art of discretion in trading.


Go ahead and get started learning the fundamentals of trading with our FREE online course.

You’ve Got What It Takes

Whether you are new to trading or you’re already consistently profitable, Kane Asher is ready to partner with you to help you achieve your goals this year.

This easy to read guide details the literal blood, sweat and tears of my trading journey. I hope it helps you establish a system that works for you.

*This is not financial advice.