“Trading in the Zone” by Mark Douglas

Almost twenty years of coaching experience is packed into Mark Douglas’s best work — Trading in the Zone. Douglas helps traders master the market with confidence, discipline, and a winning attitude.

My big takeaway from this book?

Studying the market’s behavior is pointless if the trader isn’t studying his or her own attitudes and mindsets about trading.

There are five “fundamental truths” about the market at the core of the “right” trading mind-set:

  • Anything can happen.

  • You do not need to know what will happen to earn money.

  • The distribution of winning and losing trades is random.

  • An edge means only a higher probability of a winning trade compared to a losing one.

  • Every instance of the market is unique.

Accepting these five truths reduces fear and euphoria while trading. When a trader can reduce the impact of their emotions in trading and learn to operate “in the zone”, it leads to consistent profitability.

Published On: June 23rd, 2020 / Categories: Trading Influencers /

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